Potassium Stearate CAS 593-29-3

About Potassium Stearate:Potassium Stearate is a white crystalline powder. Easily soluble in hot water, insoluble in ether, chloroform…

GML-Glycerol monolaurate CAS 142-18-7

About GML-Glycerol monolaurate:Milky powder or granular solid, dispersing in hot water, soluble in ethanol and hot…

How To Easily Prepare Dysprosium Oxide Luminescent Materials

What’s Dysprosium Oxide? Dysprosium Oxide is a chemical substance that has the chemical formula Dy2O3. The…

Amorphous Boron B Powder CAS 7440-42-8

About Amorphous Boron B Powder:Boron powder is a black or dark brown powder, which can react…