SSS Sodium P-styrene Sulfonate CAS 2695-37-6

About Sodium p-styrene sulfonate:Sodium p-styrene sulfonate has the characteristics of rich and fine foam, low degreasing…

Betaine surfactants ETB 2-Tert-Butoxyethanol CAS 2235-54-3

Betaine surfactants It is generated by the reaction of fatty tertiary amines and salt chloroacetate, consisting…

A quick overview of molybdenum carbide

The properties of Molybdenum Carbide The chemical formula of Molybdenum carburide MoC is the molecular weight…

The Properties And Application of Molybdenum Carbide

What exactly is molybdenum carbide? Molybdenum Carbide has the chemical formula MoC. Its molecular weight 107.95.…

Is molybdenum carbide a Mxene?

What’s molybdenum caride? Molybdenum carbonide exhibits a high melting temperature and hardness. It is also very…

The Applications of Molybdenum Carbide

What is it? Molybdenum Cartbide ? Molybdenum carbide is a transitional carbide. It is one of…

What is Molybdenum Carbide?

What is it? Molybdenum Cartbide ? Molybdenum carbide is a transition-metal carbide. It is one of…

What is Molybdenum Carbide Mo2C Powder?

Introduction to Molybdenum Mo2C Powder The molecular formula molybdenum carbide Mo2C is a Molecular Weight of…

The applications of Molybdenum Carbide Powder

Overview Molybdenum Carbide Powder The molecular formula molybdenum sulfide Mo2C is a metal with a molecular…