Why boron carbide has high hardness?

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What is Boron Carbide?

Boron carbonide also known as black-diamond, is an inorganic compound with the formula of B4C. It is usually grey-black powder. It’s one of three most hardy materials known (after cubic boron and diamond). It can be used in body armor, tank armour, as well as industrial applications. Boron carbide has an Mohs hardness of 9.9. Boron carbide does not react with any acid or alkali solution, so it is insoluble even in organic solvents. Boron carbide is also known for its strong thermal neutron capture and high neutron absorption capabilities, which makes it a neutron absorber.

How is boron carbonide used?

Boron carbide can be used as an artificial rigid material. It is second only to diamond or cubic boron nutride. Boron carbide crystals are hexagonal in structure. 2.52g/cm3. Its melting point is 2450°C. If the temperature rises above 2800°C it will quickly decompose and then volatilize. Boron carbide resists acid and alkali corrosion. It is also not wetted by most molten materials. Boron carbide can withstand air oxidation of 1000 degrees Celsius, however it will oxidize in an oxidizing atmosphere above 900 degrees Celsius. Boron carbide powder can grind to more than 50% the silicon carbide’s grinding capacity. It is also 12 the harder than corundum. Boron carbide powder is a great grinding material that can also be worn-resistant.

The strong chemical stability and resistance to high temperatures, armour-piercing and bullet penetration of boron carbonide make it bulletproof. It is used often as bulletproof coatings and bulletproof ceramic material. You can also use it as an antioxidant. It forms an protective layer of carbonaceous substances, which protects against excessive oxidation, and prolongs the useful life of refractory material.

Why are boron carbide and borid so difficult?

Boron carbide can be used to make body armour. It is also a popular material, second only behind diamond and cubicboron nutride. Boron carbide’s unique crystal structure creates a strong covalent link. Its crystal structure consists mainly of orthorhombic heterohedrons. This crystal structure is responsible for boron carbid’s excellent chemical and physical properties, such as its super hardness, high melting points, low density, low thermal extension coefficient, and wear resistance. Because of this, boron carbonide exhibits high hardness.

Are boron and carbide toxic to our bodies?

Boron carbide has been called synthetic diamond. However, current research shows that it isn’t a health hazard. In order to create anti-X-ray and leather core antineutron radiation fibres for anti-neutron radiation, boron, heavy metal, and polypropylene compounds are used in the manufacturing of anti-neutron fibres. It is possible to get threads with a boron content of 35%. The fibre strength can range from 23-27CN/tex. You can use the breaking elongation to create knitted fabrics or nonwovens around the nuclear energy reactor. It can also increase neutron radiation protection shielding rates by up to 44%.

Prices for boron carbide

Many factors affect the price of boron powder. The market price of boron carbide powder is changing rapidly at the moment. You can contact us anytime if you require it.

Boron carbide powder suppliers

Advanc3dmaterials (aka. With 12 years experience, Advanc3dmaterials advanced materials Nano Technology Co. Ltd. has been a trusted global chemical material manufacturer and supplier. Our company currently has a number of powder materials. You can also order OEM. Please call us , or click the required products to send an inquiry.

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